The Holy Grail of replica lanchers is here! There is NOTHING that comes close to the build quality, ingenious design and rock solid realsim found with the all new TAG-ML36™ Shell-less Grenade Launcher. Years of R&D have gone into this, originally at the request of a special armed forces regiment for thier super realistic training requirements and now offered direct to the airsoft people from TAG Innovation RUSSIA!!!.
The TAG-ML36 launcher enables you to shoot without the need (and expense) of any preloaded cartridges like TAG “Shells” or “BB Showers”, but by directly inserting a 40mm TAG projectile inside the TAG-15” reverse-rifled barrel. Please watch the videos below for a better understanding of how it works and it's awesome capabilities.
The new custom hard-cased ML-36 comes complete with a 13cl compressed air tank with 950PSI regulator, air supply adapter with on/off and degassing function to release the pressure for uncoupling, nozzle plate, a true 'real-steel' adjustable aiming device with folding leaf calibrated exactly for HPA ballistics, and specially designed CNC made butt-stock.
The TAG ML-36 launcher equipped with this HPA kit will provide you with excellent accuracy in any weather (not too windy!) and temperature between -20C and +40C with perfect consistency for 40 shots per tank fill. The incredible fire rate, efficiency and accuracy will enable you shoot several pants-filling salvos, right on your target.